Valentine, Valentines, Valentine's Day, Valentine day, Valentine’s Day, Send, Flowers, Gifts, Roses, Red Rose, Love, Romance, Valentine's Day Flowers to France, Valentine Flowers France, France.
V鮮花及禮籃 / 新娘花球Valentineflower

Double Designs is a professional graphic design agency founded by enthusiastic young minds in 2010. We are a footloose based organization based in Hong Kong and have received projects internationally.

本人做智能家居,及物料生意. 現有一計劃 , 打算成立一間室內設計公司, 本人的生意資源有. 1) 大量物料供應商 2) 有關ONLINE MARKETING揾客戶的方法. 3) 智能家居代理 4) 室內設計師一名 現想找二位以內的公司或個人合作 1) 有經驗的室內設計師, 能做家居, 商業及店舖設計. 走的是經濟合理的客路 (但如果你大把客, 自己都冇時間接客, 免問合作) 2) 做商場設計,

專業 而 單身?請承認這一點,你每天過的庸庸碌碌, 匆匆忙忙, 您挺滿意自已辛辛苦苦建立的一切, 你所取得的成績和您獲得的成就,但是,仍然覺得心靈上缺少了很重要的一塊...您可能試過在網上搜索,通過朋友介紹或去過無數次夜店想尋找那個缺少了的一塊?但結果只遇到無數的癡漢瘋子傻子情癡情聖?不要再浪費心機和時間了!!BEYOURS是您的解決方案的。 BEYOURS,香港首屈一指的撮合服務,幫助您遇見到那

Inspire CyberNET was founded in the Hong Kong in 2001 by a team of energetic individuals devoted to the challenges of conducting business on the Internet.

We also aim to record the changes of fashion trend in order to enhance our understanding to the clothing and textile market, and the development of living culture in Hong Kong.
P美容 / 形象顧問Pixel Media HK Ltd.

Clean & Nice Individual Furnished Room For Rent near MTR with all facilities around

CARETTE beauty online shop 過百款水鑽套鏈、皇冠飾物,款款別緻,各具特色。 婚禮上、舞會上使你的高雅氣質得以完全展現, 定必成為萬人矚目的焦點,獨一無二的主角。 每件貨品都是全新並獨立包裝,也可另配禮盒,送禮自用兩相宜。 聯絡我們: 查詢熱線: 852-9023 1506 查詢及落單: [email protected] 網上商店 : http://hk.user.aucti
C結婚 / 婚戒鑽飾Carette beauty online shop

大家好 本人就讀HKDI 讀Digital media design 今年6月畢業 (在考慮上唔上TOP UP) 想找有關工作做如:平面設計,網頁設計,MOTION GRAPHICS,3D建模,動畫等我都略有認識 有關工作經驗:VIDEO EDIDER, 點點綠平面圖,店鋪立體圖 會用程式如下:AE,MAYA,AI,PS,DREAMWEVER 聯系方法:[email protected]
k設計 / 電腦動畫ken913913


Company is looking for some web design, web programming, printing, business card and IT solutions. If your company would like to have some enhacement on design, profile, mapping and search engine enh

Animation /Length Units: (sec) Q version of Style Video (frame by frame) Realist style video (frame by frame) 180~300 /Seconds 180 Yuan/Seconds 200 Yuan/Seconds 300~600Seconds 150 Yuan/Seconds 250 Yu

Categories: Wedding Accessories、Custom Text Roses、Roses With Photos of Your Choice、Create Your Own Peronalized Bouquets、Rose in a Box、 Flower with Vase
P鮮花及禮籃 / 新娘花球Personalized Roses Hong Kong

手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫Kinnovate Solutions

本花店 Flower is love Florist花店,為顧客提供訂花及送花服務。專業訂花服務,專人為您送達。 Flower is love Florist花店服務包括網上訂花、花籃、禮品、生日禮物等 .Flower is love Florist隨時為您服務,在節慶和其他特別的日子為您的生意夥伴、摯友及親人送上最真摯的祝福。 Flower is love Florist Flower Is

Our product lines range from fragrance, emblems, body kits, mirrors, interior accessories, bulbs, auto lamps, and many more.

H汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠Harway Motors 浩偉汽車

A little bit more information about me Qualifications Zing The Make Up School- (Master Class and Upper Class) Glauca Rossi School of Make Up- (Diploma in Fashion Photographic and TV Make Up) Central S
T美容 / 化妝Tessa 星級專業化妝

Conquer Stars Limited (冠之星有限公司) 為一間擁有豐富經驗,技術精湛的一站式服務公司,主力為客戶透過我們擴展貴司的業務。
C手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫Conquer Stars Marketing
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